Thursday, March 3, 2011

What To Subject Interview Thank You Email

Jacques Ghysbrecht: Pourquoi j'ai Adhere to Bruxsel Pro - 2 / 2

2. "Sense"

I come back to money. Brussels Belgian contribution to GDP up by 18.7%, with 9.8% of the population. Flanders is 58%, with 58% of the population. Wallonia is 23.3%, with 32.4% of the population. Under the current system, the resources we have are well below what we should have. To begin to understand why, one can refer in particular to an article published in Le Vif / L'Express, entitled "all the keys to understanding the Financing Act," posted on the Internet August 27, 2010.

They want us to refinance, it's true but for ridiculous amounts and on terms unacceptable. It requires on our part, commitments! We control! Like we did for charity! As if we did not know ourselves what we do! That we get back what is ours. Then we can speak of solidarity within Belgium.

When I read all that, I have the hair bristling. These parties, who discuss them, these politicians who, without stopping, they are professionals, are observed, are placed, and haggle preparing their careers or end their career, I wish they would disappear, Brussels master finds his fortune, inside whether a federal government more or less, that lets us make our own mistakes and put into practice our good ideas with the institutions that we have selected.

is obviously impossible. It would be happy but very surprised that Pro is Bruxsel majority in his town, is in a position to implement its program, makes good sense and generosity.

But see the greens. They like us a one-dimensional program, innovative originally. Their success has meant that all other parties to defend themselves, were appropriate, some more than others, their ideas and ultimately many decisions were taken by others in the sense of what they wanted. That is what should happen. All parties were speaking to their program more autonomy to Brussels. None is openly in favor of the guardianship. But Brussels is a point on their agenda. Something about how we can make concessions, compromises, cons of money, money. They should know that, under penalty of losing votes that go to our "little party" they have an interest in regard to our city, walking on eggshells.

But why, you first success, voices. It takes the world in the meetings we organize, we must we talk about us in newspapers. "Brussels must know that people have the governments they deserve .. Our agenda is clear. I do not think we should touch it. These are practical projects that we need, and good will, skills, work needed to implement them.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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Appartenances et identité: Les quelques Reflexions

by Alain Maskens

We all want to come out of isolation, and thus to part, we feel members of diverse groups. "Birds of a feather flock together" is true of all kinds of similarities in common. This will belonging to one family, a religious community, a sports club, a cultural circle, party, trade union, the association of former college or regiment. As for the memberships of the linguistic communities, maternal or cultural, these memberships will be sailing on the wave of new possibilities of communication. Both mass media (television) that the custom networks (internet).

I want in this brief note to highlight two major features of this development.

The "atopic networks "

By this neologism, I wish to express their independence more and more pronounced network of belonging vis-à-vis a particular place. This independence had already been induced by the greater mobility of populations and the increasing intermarriage [i] [ii]. It will be over-multiplied by the Internet. Chess clubs, collectors, experts in Sanskrit or decoding the genome, or millenarian cults old Berkeley, the Internet can offer everyone the necessary links, even if a handful of individuals spread on several continents.

Thus, the village "physical" and the village "relational" differ more. I quote Yves Andre and Brunsvick Danzin: "There has ironically a return of the territory according to Max Weber: Social and mental space in which all members share the rules, rituals, values and projects. The physical boundaries are erased, the territory is defined by the values and cultural codes ... The mutation is particularly noticeable in Europe, where nation-states had tried to provide a framework for moral behavior and cultural identity, while the we are witnessing to specialized groups that match fragments whose roots feed off the country . "[iii]

This development holds tremendous potential in terms of culture. Indeed, it should allow surviving customs, languages, traditions, ideas and inventions that would have probably died in the great world of nationalism, mass media, or the "global market" of the twentieth century. In just a few committed individuals. Computers and the Internet will provide them with more opportunities for communication and archiving than is the Middle Ages had the set of all the Benedictine abbeys met.

At the same time, there for the first time in the history of mankind, to almost total decoupling between political power and the flow of information and ideas. I would not hesitate to speak of a revolution "Copernican". Do not forget: since the discovery of farming and agriculture, the majority of individuals were nearly "screwed" on their territory. In addition, it had little opportunities to communicate with the outside. It is on the basis of the territories have always been lawful and exercised political power. Individuals will therefore remain under the total dependence local authorities, the "masters of the place." Not only to management issues or politics, but for all choices related to personal life: that we speak of religious, linguistic, cultural or otherwise. Where reigned the allies of the Catholic Church, there existed the Inquisition. Some plans still trying to create around their territories of barriers to the movement of ideas, cultures or languages. Think of the ban on satellite dishes in Iran, the total seclusion of women in Afghanistan, control of Internet access in China to distribute ban certain cable television speaking on the outskirts of Brussels.

The rediscovery of community outreach [iv]

Paradoxically, this separation more clearly between the LAN network and virtual reality could reclaim the true nature the local network, the very man who is the more obvious affiliations, membership in the space of our physical existence: a place of residence, village, district, city, nomadic tribe. Because that is where the individual lives his life, and partakes of the basic group life. It is there that play the strongest solidarity. Occurs when the tornado, frost, disease, power outage or earthquake, that we speak Greek or Turkish, Flemish or French, whether you are Polish or Moroccan, the same links, fundamental, vital, will play. When it comes to implementing an airport, an incinerator or landfill, everyone is concerned. And when comes the big party, carnival, while the other identities are shelved with discretion under the colorful masks, the place, street, neighborhood, city to become the first new membership.

In parallel with the explosion of global virtual, so this is the resurgence of the real, living space, place, region. The neighborhood coffee shop, the parish, the cultural center, the small school, so many purely local rallying points [v].

In the entertainment field and music, we find the same need for inclusion in a human community outreach. Thus, one can access the world of entertainment television before his or her computer, and yet the cinemas are full. Similarly, the theater remains popular, he who can maintain a close work between human actors, and viewers [id]. Yet another example, the ever present enthusiasm for participation in amateur choirs. The outstanding choirs formed in Brussels by European Commission officials are particularly striking symbol here.

The economic domain part of the same paradox: globalization reinforces the importance of local factors [vii]. At local level that can decide the best policy for suitable job. It is organized locally and the best solidarity with the excluded and poor, closer solidarity and thus more humane. As written by Martine Théveniaut-Muller, " The territory is a social work produced over time." [viii]

The place, region: "here"

A affiliations of the most salient leave in our adult identity deep scars, is that which binds us to places and people that surrounded our young children. They correspond to the first color, the first odor, raw music, the first words, first the friendships we have discovered. They are inextricably linked to the image of mother, father, or failing those who replaced them. At this age, we thought that even our parents could keep around us, forever, this world caring and reassuring. It was "home." Places that have the memory! Engraving knife in the desk school, planted the chestnut tree and become a giant cemetery ...

Our complete insertion into a real living space, and in the community that lives and runs with us, represents a membership of specific and essential. Except, this community "local" does not coincide more prior with cultural, religious, linguistic, scientific, professional, recreational or other which we decide to also belong. Individuals who will rub shoulders and increasingly wealthy membership varied and multiple.

places elsewhere have always welcomed people with more diverse, the most varied cultural expressions. In this too, they have preserved the memory. On the scale of a lifetime, we have the illusion of permanence. The history of a place testifies to the contrary: they are only mixing, populations or cultures. Enter a church home, witness-old lives and beliefs of men and women who lived under his protection. Architectural structures reminiscent of their European heritage and sometimes Greek, Roman times, sometimes Italian, sometimes German. The windows depict prelates in Byzantine costume, knights in armor, Roman soldiers. The statues evoke the legends here or elsewhere (Saint-Nicolas, Bishop of Myra, near Saint-Antoine, a monk of Padua). Everywhere, inscriptions in Latin, Hebrew. In air, the smell of incense from India or Smyrna. And music, probably Bach or Palestrina. In some churches in our villages, you will not even mention this so ancient belief in a paradise where we ate rice cream with gold spoons. Thus, our membership deepest places of our childhood, we Have taught early this rich diversity of customs, languages and cultures.

The delimitation of territorial policy areas, as implied by the process of regionalization even split of Belgium, will be first and foremost focused on the preservation of these spaces proximity harmonious cohabitation, effective solidarity. Split such regional communities in terms of other affiliations, religious, linguistic, ethnic or cultural, is always the bearer of pain and instability, a source of endless conflict.

From: "Monoflamands and monowallons: wanderings and dangers of mono-identity ideologies" - published in 2000.

[i] M. Waters, 1990. Quoted by Mr. Martiniello: Ethnicity in contemporary social sciences . Collection "Que sais-je?". PUF, Paris, 1995 67

[ii] In the past already, migrations, wars, travel and intermarriage had created a remarkable and complex diversity in the identity and affiliations of individuals and families. See in this regard, for example, the study by Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis "identity Games Smyrna in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries . In Herve Le Bras (Ed.): The Invention populations. Biology, ideology and politics. 1 volume, 264 pages. Odile Jacob, Paris, 2000.

[iii] Yves Andre and Brunsvick Danzin: Birth of a civilization. Unesco, Paris, 1998 84

[iv] The overriding importance of local solidarity over all other allegiances was already highlighted in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Gospel according to St. Luke, 10, 29).

[v] Although the university is becoming more a role of regional actor. Speaking of the criteria by which the student of today will choose a university, Marcel Crochet, Rector of UCL, said very precisely " Proximity is taking precedence over allegiances ." (Statement presented at the general meeting of the association of internal medicine at UCL, March 18, 2000).

[vi] This is Roger Planchon, who made that comment. Quoted by Daniel Cohen . World's wealth and poverty of nations. Flammarion, 1999 98.

[vii], Michel et Pierre Veltz Savy (eds): Global Economy reinvention et du local. Editions de l'Aube, Paris, 1995.

[viii] Martine Theveniaut-Muller. le développement local. Une réponse politique à la mondialisation. Desclée de Brouwer, Paris, 1999, p.26.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

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ideo mono Identitaires

par Alain Maskens

Bart De Wever:

"Who Dutch speaking part of it, who do not speak Dutch belongs to an" other "group "

Amin Maalouf:

"Chacun d'entre we should be encouraged to assume its own diversity, to develop its identity as the sum of its diverse membership, instead of confusing it with a single, built in membership supreme instrument of exclusion and sometimes an instrument of war "

The promotion of nationalism identity by N-VA, the CD & V, and by proponents of the "nation francophone" leads me to repeat here some excerpts from a text written in ... 1999.

"... Last year I was struck particularly by the growth of the extreme right in several countries in Europe: in addition to Flanders, it increased in Austria, Denmark, Spain, Norway and Switzerland in particular, but also in Turkey, Bosnia. And ultra-nationalist parties find themselves actually in power in many countries outside Europe. This despite the fact that regularly spread in the sight of all the dramas or units to such abuses. In Rwanda, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Timor, Sri Lanka, Chechnya ...

Warning: There is nationalism and nationalism.

(re) development of roots, feelings of belonging, contribute fundamentally to the human wealth of individuals and societies. The consciousness of being a responsible member of a national community, to exercise civic responsibility, are the basis of various political expressions. As the defense or promotion of a culture, language, religion, ethnic group, country, not based on the exclusion of others, one can only applaud . Otherwise, the worst is feared. It flies in self defense " legitimate offense" .

So when is the rocker? As soon as a pressure group trying to build a membership in an absolute, pure, therefore exclusive of any other, and form the basis for reflection and action or public policy . This membership is then moved into the collective imagination in an "identity" pure and exclusive, based on an original and fundamental differentiation. That's what I propose to call "ideologies single identity" . I use that term rather than nationalism because it has various meanings, which themselves have evolved over time. Some, positive, constructive approach the patriotism, others suggest the contrary this feeling qu'exploitèrent fascists and Nazis. In addition, the term "single-identity" says the essence of the danger that lies in the fact of not upgrading the roots of affiliations, but rather to summarize the individuals one of their possible identities. Finally, this definition encompasses the concept of "racism", while extending all the criteria of identity (language, religion, nation, culture ...) that could be exploited for mobilize against the "other". And it is indeed ideologies, creations of the mind designed to underpin a political action.

What I want to emphasize here, the cry of alarm that I would like, is this: anything, anywhere in the world, expressing a behavior of single-identity, gradually increasing tolerance global discourse ultra-nationalist or racist. And the probability of occurrence increases in proportion to the dramas. In 1940, there was obviously a Hitler. But Hitler was only possible due to the gradual rise of nationalism and widespread and discourse identity or identity discourse addiction. And that it was the responsibility of every individual, every day, over the years. Allow me this picture: When arrive the storm, lightning is always materialized at a particular point, high tree, tower, jutting rock. But this is not the rock that creates a storm. But the accumulation of micro-electrical charges within each countless droplets that form clouds. In the skies over Europe, the clouds seem to me more responsible.

And the limit is very close between the promotion of a community, a language, culture, and the establishment of a proposed single-identity increasingly sectarian and exclusive. Many historical examples are there to remind us.

Warning: this is the symptom of mild mockery, the refusal to consider the views of the other, whether on the contrary, the purest of racism if true, do not we all, to varying degrees Various trends in the exclusion of the other, trends to decrease mono-identity? Progress towards a democratic, united, just, through an examination of conscience.

And what applies to individuals, applies to political parties. It is naive to believe that all bad extremists are the Vlaams Blok or National Front, and all good Democrats in other parties. If the dominant discourse is defined as mono-identity against the other, if the tolerance is hardly the minority, whatever "good" reasons, it opens the way to the worst excesses. To avoid abuses, it is not enough that the democratic parties "avoid hate speech": it must resolutely abandon ideology and discourse single identity. This is only a backdrop clearly democratic and humanist nature but appear clearly outrageous speech xenophobic and racist parties.

Some noble and generous as can be the commitment to a particular affiliation, the danger of drift mono-identity must impose the greatest caution. Many democratic parties tend to say: "T out this is only for extremist parties. We, we are Democrats (because "not racist" or "not xenophobic)." My perspective is different : All those active in the public sphere, journalists, politicians, teachers, everyone must keep their distance markedly compared to the ideology and discourse mono-identity. A fortiori they profess allegiance to a democratic ideology.

Excerpts from "Monoflamands and Monowallons, wanderings and dangers of ideologies mono-identity", published in 2000. Playable: . Nederlandstalige versie:

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Jacques Ghysbrecht: Pourquoi j'ai Bruxsel Adhere to Pro - 1 / 2

1. "Sensibility "

Like Brussels.

I was born. I knew in the summer, these beautiful tram cars which were a long bench in the open. I knew Longchamp Avenue, the Avenue of Nations. You see ...

Things have changed since then, but not the affection I have for my town.
It is not the same. In the English bookshop where I go, girls smiling that you pack your purchases wear the hijab. They come from neighborhoods where there are next to garbage cans, rotten oranges, broken televisions. And at the same time, I see around me in a week, more than I saw Maserati once a month. It's a bit dizzying. But nowhere in Europe, I found this variety a good boy, I have seen such potential for wealth, and so much vitality.

I love this city, and I wish I could continue to love it. I want to make you feel better, everyone will feel welcome, even and especially those who come to do to settle, which does not know us, even those that merely 'spend, frontier workers are the 300,000 that "commuters who arrive daily in our stations, use our roads.

And I do not think that's where we go. All these people who negotiate these informants, these preforms, these mediators, conciliators n these have nothing to do in our city. We're problem. They have to refinance. In these negotiations, we are defended by a Mons. Why? Where does he find his voice, our advocate? In this reasoning, would you say, Liege, Charleroi, everybody wants to be. You'd be wrong: Brussels is not a city, it's a region. Moreover, it is a multilingual region whose membership to the Francophonie is an accessory. We

refinance ... It's very important that. All these people who arrived, which bind here, mostly young, who have children is a blessing. Finally, it may be a blessing. One does not naively optimistic. Diversity is fine, but you have to receive his guests. To begin, we must show them who we are. Hospitality is proud of his house is to show it. But they must understand, too, or at least they want to understand. This is called integration. And why it takes money, lots of money. They have, from early childhood, the best schools, best teachers. God knows how many generations have been sacrificed. 20% unemployment in one of the richest cities in Europe! And that unemployment affects mainly children under 30 years. In these unemployed there are not only newly arrived, of course. The same statistics suggest they are not the majority. This misery is for everybody. More reason for us to put. This youth that we must learn, that it's a ball! What a terrible failure.

But if we succeed! ... Here is the jackpot. Among Brussels, 47% are under 35 years! But nearly a quarter of 18-24 year olds complete their school career without a degree, while the average is 17% in Wallonia and 10% in Flanders. If given the means of accomplishment, with all this youth, this is a new beginning for our city. Yep.

And everything is still feasible. Despite these terrible inequalities, Brussels is still livable. Look around and compare. Do not go away. Take Amsterdam. Who has not read with horror Bolkestein's call, suggesting the Jews to leave town for them became too unsafe? And around Paris, the records of cars torched on the night of the new year! We are far, but if we continue like this ...

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Teachers call for merger Brussels educational networks

reaction to the article: # comment-form

by Benjamin Vella

A nice article for Groen!, which has dipped as Eco, they, them first, interest soon resume program points Pro Bruxsel not to lose too many votes . Or, you can not blame them for clinging to their livelihood.

At least them, they are major (ie Boards of Directors), so we can interview them often. This is normal. What is the highlight a little party snack candy, which - it is very annoying - to almost always right .. euuuuh ... ik bedoel ... good ideas ... finally ... euuuh ... interesting ideas, whatever. Ah yes, I almost forgot the question mark. ?. There.

This article, anyway, the obvious merit of setting the table a proposal very interesting and - increasingly - and dear to my heart (and that's saying something): the organization of Brussels regional education that does not depend any more of the French Community, noch van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. In other words: Brussels manage their own future, understanding that the Walloons and Flemings were not able to deal with it properly (I do not blame them!).

And because Brussels has its own specificities, we can not deny it (it has long sought but (Un) fortunately impossible)! Specificity of the immigration rate, specificity of the labor market (which trades available Bxsl?), And horrifying figures: 20% unemployment, 30% youth, more than 50% in some neighborhoods. A disaster without a name for the capital of Europe!

Incidentally, MR, that always comes up with these (her?) security issues, knows that a regionalized education, refinanced and adapted to allow long-term deal with a lot of the problem BX (to speak lunch), but when doing the cuddling (FDF objective ally of the N-VA, it must be remembered), it is not clear of distorting skills ...

So, yes: it is time. High time that Brussels can get this skill and develop an education that truly takes into account the needs of Brussels. Provide training tailored to the needs of young Brussels (by ax consistent notamment sur l'apprentissage des langues) est sans doute l'enjeu pour l'avenir de notre Major Region.

Allons-nous encore longtemps jouer le jeu des partis (communauraires) en place à l'menant asphyxia de la capitale de l'Europe? Perso, j'etouffe déjà.

you soon in the street! ... I hope.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Leg Rash White Discharge

Work for locals in the railways? Pour Bruxsel

Who is there for "Brussels" jobs in public companies?

by Thierry Vanhecke

The SNCB Group aims to recruit 1,300 people this year, we read in the Standard. That there are as many as in 2010. The group is therefore launching a new campaign. The SNCB will include recruitment through retirement catch. By 2020 nearly 20,000 employees have retired. The SNCB Group

searches alongside operating occupations (conductor and directors) makes specific reference to technicians and engineers, two critical professions.

This is an excellent opportunity to relate a jobseeker from Brussels to help. This would, methinks, at least 200 persons may be taken by the Railways.

Knowing that planning had two years ago by the SNCB has been identified, it would be worth knowing whether from Brussels or a body (Actiris, ...) At the appropriate time contact was made with the railroads to work together to see how locals could fit in this global. Or maybe there was a need for the mentioned spoedopleindingen shortage occupations?

Is it not advisable to go for synergies between Actiris, Bruxelles Formation, etc. and semi-and large public companies, where the latter one more year planning their staff requirements would draw from also, together with the Brussels employment operators, work on specific courses that would give locals access to a considerable number of these (problem) professions? That all

salvation not of the private sector should be expected, is a euphemism. And of overheid kan amper nog zelf Werkgelegenheid creëren. Waar daar maar er werk voorhanden IS, IS planning, zeker voor de werkzoekenden, Hoogste aangewezen. In-en voor nog meer dan-Brussel elders.

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Pro, Vande Lanotte la proposition concernant les 4 Régions est un (petit) dans la bonne direction only. For Pro

Pro Bruxsel note with interest the model proposed on Thursday by Johan Vande Lanotte, during a presentation at the University of Ghent: a "Belgian Union" based on four federal entities: Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and DG.

The proposal by former Conciliator approaches in many parts of the program advocated by institutional Pro Bruxsel: 1) It draws a simplified institutional model and therefore more readable and easier to manage. 2) She opts for the principle rather than regional community. 3) She refuses the way of sub-nationalities in Brussels. 4) It strengthens solidarity in the "Union". 5) She recalls the right of minorities.

However, she dares not go through with its own logic. Thus, it emphasizes the principle of territoriality, but paradoxically imagine that Flanders could continue to operate in the territory, Brussels Regional regarding education, culture, and help people in Flemish (Flanders bevoegdheid in Brussel voor Nederlands cultuur, onderwijs in welzijnsinstellingen). Without specifying which agency would be responsible for these skills to francophones.

Bruxsel For Pro, the Brussels Region must consistently manage all défédéralisées skills, including education and culture, in respect of the two official languages of the region and an increased effort in favor of bilingualism.

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Bruxsel Vande Lanotte, the proposal is a first step in the right direction.

Pro puts voldoening akte Bruxsel neemt van het model dat op donderdag Johan Vande Lanotte 17 februari, During a speech at the university and suggested involving a Belgian Union "which is based on four federal entities: Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and the German Community.

The proposal by the former mediator leans very closely the institutional program that Pro Bruxsel worked out.
1) There is a simplified institutional model that can also understand that and therefore will be responsible for better governance.
2) is chosen for the regional (Region) principle in place of the community to follow logic.
3) The proposal that prevents tionalities in Brussels see the light.
4) It strengthens solidarity within the Union "
5) It also refers to the rights of minorities.

Unfortunately, the proposal will draw anywhere stabbing and not all consequences of the logic that they themselves arises. Thus indeed the territorialoiteitsbeginsel proposed, but is free paradoxical given that Flanders-Brussels territory may continue to act in matters education, culture, the "power of Flanders in Brussels for the Dutch culture, education and welfare", without that reference is made to any institution.

Pro Bruxsel suggests that the Brussels Region gedefederaliseerde all these matters in a coherent manner to manage, including education and culture. This is in every respect for both official talen van het Gewest een bijzondere aandacht in voor tweetaligheid.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

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Un pays, quatre aires Regions solid. La Vision Pro Bruxsel fait son chemin!

It is clear that the many proposals made by Pro Bruxsel in recent years have been heard by several major parties (EU), both before the regional elections of 2009 before the election Federal 2010.

So when Bruxsel Pro has released its study on the refinancing of our region, we found that our two main ideas, that of a refinancing through the perception of the PPI on the workplace and that of a congestion charge has hit home. The Greens have also quickly followed with a symposium on the same congestion. When

2010 we are launching the idea of changing federal cohesion model based on Belgium tomorrow's 4 Regions, rather than two antagonistic communities, key stakeholders and the media begin to ignore us.

Only dropper that the idea percolates, the first having seized the ball - but can be had he ever imagined by himself, we do not seek to have the monopoly Good ideas - Karl-Heinz Lambertz, president of the speaking community, talk about a speaking community Belgian region would be well on its own. He has done it again in recent weeks by declaring openly in favor of a Belgium based on 4 regions.

We also learned that the Belgian Greens have announced plans to work more regularly hand in hand (even if they claim that it was always the case, the man in the street do not generally was very conscious ).

sp.a also knew the side, we must acknowledge the work of Johan Vande Lanotte, which, even if he continued to rely on a community model (presumably the political situation between parties Competitors Is not that mature enough to discuss a 'Copernican revolution (sic) that would shift the hub of communities to areas), we still have read his notes included advanced Brussels including a refinancing structural as well as the introduction of bilingual lists, a point of view we have defended in our last note there is institutional more than a year.
Gennez Carolina, chair of sp.a, for his part said: "Brussels should not be managed by two major communities but as a City-Region own community with skills for education and culture "(TRV, Panorama, 21/11/2010).

We have also noted that Mr. Gatz, the group leader VLD Flemish parliament has introduced an interesting proposal for Brussels-Capital, offering a "double vote" within the district BHV, a first voice for a list (or nominee) of the linguistic role of the voter, and a second for someone in the other language group. One way to make the two communities more attuned to one another within our Region.

But what about the release of Mr. Gosuin (MR-FDF), said that during a conversation Chat with readers of the newspaper Le Soir, on 8 February this: "I dream of four regions that each would recognize in them the law and the existence of their minorities. Flemish region, a bilingual Brussels, Walloon and a friendly germanophone all of the founding principles of Europe. .

Unfortunately, these pronouncements in favor of regions of Belgium are still too rare and isolated within the party who remain essentially community. We know that the two main Flemish parties, the NVA and CD & V, are viscerally communitarians and the majority opinion of the Flemish joins them. But the French are not left with the promotion of an area that includes speaking Walloons and Brussels. But Brussels wants and needs to be a region in itself and balanced relations with both the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region. Any reform of the state that does not take into account this reality is doomed to failure. Can men and women politicians in this country be more and more people become aware, and Pro Bruxsel follow this path.

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One country, four regions solidarity. The vision of Pro Bruxsel gradually find its way.

duidelijk dat het een groot IS aantal voorstellen, gemaakt door Pro Bruxsel ins loop van de afgelopen jaren, zijn gehoord door several large EU parties, both for the regional elections of 2009 and for the federal elections of 2010. When

Pro Bruxsel her study on the refinancing of our region has taken out, we noticed that our two powerful ideas, namely the refinancing through the collection of personal income in the place of work and on an urban pricing, "wings" have been.

The Greens have also very quickly followed by a symposium on the urban pricing.

When we suggested the idea in 2010 to Belgium tomorrow for switching to a federal cohesion model based on four regions instead of two opposing communities were us by the key players and media avoided.

It's a drip, the idea gradually begins to flow through, the first that the ball picks up, maybe he had also been previously proposed, we find absolutely no monopoly on good ideas - is Karl Heinz Lambertz, Prime of the German community. He talks about a German community who would like to see themselves as a fully fledged region. He has in recent weeks redone by openly speaking in favor of a Belgium based on four regions. While his colleague had Paasch mainly noted for his statement "No, it is not always the Flemings who are the bad." For information, Paasch Pro DG for the party, which, we must say, all sympathy Pro Bruxsel can count.

We also noted that the Belgian Greens have announced more regular cooperation hand in hand - would like to work (even if they claim that this always was the case, the man or woman of the street turned it not very aware).

Also along the side of the sp.a we work Johan Vande Lanotte to praise, even if it still remained in a "community model" (the political situation between the competing parties has apparently not evolved enough to debate about a "Copernican revolution" that would move the center of the communities to the regions). We still have to read his notes contained a progress for Brussels-Capital, including a structural refinancing and the introduction of bilingual lists, a position that we have defended in our last letter of institutional over one year ago.

We should also mention that Mr. Gatz, the chairman of OpenVLD in the Flemish parliament, has made an interesting proposal for the Brussels-Capital, he proposes a "double sufrage" for emergency response in the district, with a first vote for a list ( or a candidate) according to the language role of the voter, and half vote for someone from the other language group. One way the two communities in our region closer together to listen.

But what about the statement of Mr. Gosuin (MR-FDF), which, during a "chat" conversation with the readers of the newspaper Le Soir on February 8, wrote: "I dream of four regions that together would recognize their existence and the existence of their minorities. A Flemish region, a bilingual Brussels region, one Walloon and one German, all with respect for the principles of Europe.

Unfortunately these attitudes in favor of one of Belgium's regions too much away, and isolated in the EU parties, all remain.
We know that the two main Flemish parties, and CD & V NVA, visceral Community and that the majority opinion of the Flemish joins. But the French-speakers would not be outdone, the promotion of a French-speaking Wallonia and Brussels area that encompasses.

But Brussels wants and has a fully fledged region that maintain balanced relations with both the Flemish and the Walloon Region.
Any state that ignores this reality will lead to a failure.

That ladies and gentlemen from the politics of this country may be in the growing number are aware of this and follow this road Pro Bruxsel.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Milena Velba The Nurse

Senat Le futur ne les Bruxellois representera only.

par Al ain Maskens

"score Vande Lanotte, if passed, would worsen the country's separation into two linguistic communities. Including transferring many powers of the federal government to the communities rather than to regions. So by giving powers to Flanders and the French Community to co-manage in the Brussels region. This communalism

hardliner manifests itself most dramatically in the future based Senate even more clearly on the linguistic purity of its members.


Members of the Senate who are chosen by direct election in the current system (15F and 25N) will be designated in 2014 by the parliaments of the French Community and the Flemish Community, as is already the case for senators to Community.

All senators will therefore be elected by the parliaments of the Communities.

It contains so senators pure Flemish, "designated" by the Flemish parliament. Flemish Parliament where, recall, sit only six elected "Flemish" Brussels (out of 124).

And it will feature Senators pure French, "designated" by the French parliament. French Parliament, which itself is composed of all members of the Walloon Parliament (and therefore directly elected Walloons), and 19 MPs "identified" among the 72 Francophone members of parliament in Brussels. Friends

Brussels, senators who will think your future will be chosen by an assembly where pure Flemish you could choose 6 out of 124 deputies, or by a pure francophone meeting where you will not be represented by NO directly elected, but only by 19 Member "designated" among your 72 directly elected.

NO chance to send a real zinneke.

Again, therefore, an EU of superlatives, which ignores all requests from Brussels to be recognized as such and not as members of a single ethnic group or ethnic group Flemish-French mono.

A device designed to regiment over the Belgians, especially the people of Brussels, in a clan pure language, easy to oppose each other.


Traditional parties realize they do not realize that it is precisely this communalism which is currently blocking the country before killing ? Only parties

youth offer more humane and democratic approaches. In the proposed Pro Bruxsel, the country is based on regions and each region - including Brussels - is represented by directly elected Senate.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Pokemon Goldrom Cheats

Une ligne Maginot francophone (Vif)

Between the drops of delivery by Johan Vande Lanotte (SP.A) from her apron as a mediator and the presidential election in MR, a small event passed almost unnoticed: Rudy Demotte recently her hair a third third hat as president.

© Belga

Already at the forefront of governments Walonne and the French Community, the chairman of a commission here Wallonia-Brussels French-speaking parties grouping, PS, Ecolo, CDH and MR. Objective: to have lines of French fortifications. A new Maginot Line against Flanders?

The apparent logic of confrontation does not please all of the Brussels regionalist among which it is feared the beginning of a joint management of the capital by the two main linguistic communities. "Brussels is not soluble in the Francophonie," warns Caroline wisdom, Swiss origin who was on second place in the Pro Bruxsel list in the parliamentary election.

This former associate of Crisp think the French could give the split of BHV cons safeguarding the unity of the social security and that the new commission Demotte would aim to prevent a revolt in Brussels - to the edges - cons such a deal. She claims, including the organization of bilingual education in Brussels this qu'empêchent currently Communities. #

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Senior Women In Nylons

'Flemish' / 'Walloon' water for Qatar? La logique des frères

Reflections on the stale world water

by Thierry Vanhecke

There are reportedly being discussed between Fluxys and Qatar to 'our' water that has little to export democracy. The water would Zeebrugge and through the gas ships that are forwarded, to be transported there. As

so common, there is a Community in our country again riot in the making, much more active as water consumed in Flanders, Wallonia comes from. If that much higher prices sold, is coming misery.

But is that the real problem?

Is not it worse that we seem, for the fait accompli, that there is already a world of water in motion, which apparently not many people know of it. Water, like air, one of the most basic needs of every person.

It is also a product that nothing else can be replaced immediately so it's a goldmine for any multinational whatsoever to make a claim to be able to trade and can float. A crime against humanity.

We should look very carefully think about the way we work with our blue gold omspringen: used in Belgium average, every citizen between 100 and 120 liters of water PER DAY! Is not that a little bit too much of a good thing, especially when you consider how some females in the Sahel, Mali etc kilometers far to drag a water tank with 10 liters which their whole family for a few days delay.

For a detailed account of our water and how that 100 to 120 liters per day, see . Bath / shower and toilet appear to be the largest swallow caps.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Listen To Full Length Songs For Free

dangereuse Siamois ...

par Jose Fernandez

Bart de Wever est un grand poète. Il aime se engaging in a passion, that of small press citations, here or elsewhere. In Latin, preferably ... Or in English as well, "less is more", for example. Or in German: Belgien, Europa Kranker Mann "... And he loves the pictures too strong: and in his latest exclusive interview with La Libre of 29/01/11, he gives his view of the current situation, a vision that I describe as of anatomical ...

Good news, Bart De Wever is not to split the country! No, no, he says, "it will not work." For "Flanders and Wallonia are like Siamese twins, and their relationship is Brussels.
.. Pardon?? But Bart, what do you do ... Do I remind you here that the statutes specify them in your party 1.1 (1) ? I know that strength to rewrite history and manipulate the media and your Flemish electorate, 3 / 4 of your voters are convinced that voting for the VER is a vote for a the neo-liberal course with a hint of regionalism, but light ... Recently, while talking with one of your constituents, I realized this, Bart, they do not know ... very few have read the articles The NVA and most even believe that this separatist obsession would be a scarecrow erected by the French ... Siamese
therefore, united by a slender cord of flesh Brussels. You know, the Siamese have difficulties to live long, when they share common organs, and very often, one must solve a tricky separation. Scalpel, as it should. Was cut and the bond between Siamese to restore their operational autonomy and enable them to live.
What is the "link" in this story is of course less glorious ... Simple piece of flesh torn, he finished sanguignolant in the trash.
So that you see Brussels, Bart ... A simple link, annoying, embarrassing, disabling to allow this "autonomy" that you promised your constituents.
Metaphor "Siamese" is bad because it only polarize the conflict resolution on two Belgian institutional entities, a Flemish liberal-nationalist, the other French-speaking Socialist.
It is wrong because it implies correctly that cutting the "link" in Brussels, we get the final two distinct, independent and autonomous.
I suggest another metaphor, that of a single body, Belgium, including the brain, stomach, lungs and heart would work closely together to enable the body to develop harmoniously. I'm good Prince, Bart, you can choose the body of your choice to symbolize Flanders. But I must confess that I have a preference for the lungs to Brussels. Body ultimate exchange with the outside, as Brussels is with the world around us. Vital organ for life, the air can be stored and breathing is a function that, constantly renewing itself, provides the body the fuel it needs to live, as Brussels gives its inhabitants and the country 's daily energy due to the thousands of jobs and businesses that have chosen this city-region. Body split, the right lung and left, as the Flemish and French double culture that shaped the identity of this region for centuries. The lungs do not have to worry about how the heart works, or brain. Let's say that somehow, the human body is already causing, regionalized. Cons but, if these bodies do not function well together, the body dies. Never mind that wants to keep his heart beating or the brain to think, or the stomach to digest.
This metaphor suits me much better, because for me the future of Belgium through a country (the Belgian body ") 4 et ses régions ("les organes de ce corps")
bye, ça tombe bien, moi aussi j'aime bien les locutions latines ... :

(1) The New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) is a political party in Flanders intends to form a humanitarian nationalism for the 21 st century. As the only non-aligned party, regardless of pressure groups, columns or financial powers, defends the New Flemish Alliance, the Flemish public interest. In its efforts to improve governance and democracy chooses the New Flemish Alliance for logically independent republic of Flanders , State of a democratic European Union. Flanders in the N-VA is open to international cooperation and look for this in the first place to the Netherlands.
The purpose of the New Flemish Alliance, the defense and promotion of political, cultural, social and economic interests of all Flemings. These purposes by all appropriate means reached to the publishing and distribution of pressure washers, magazines, newspapers, organizing seminars, conferences, meetings, film screenings and meetings of all kinds, the group of individual supporters, the buying or renting of all movable and immovable goederen, het tot doel dienstig.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Glory Holes In Orange County,ca

Interview Thierry Vanhecke @

Terzakis (TRV)
January 24 . 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hotmail โค้ด 80048831

SHAME SHAME: un message

SHAME was the name of the march that brought together this Sunday more than 35,000 demonstrators, including many Pro Bruxsellois who came to help the Democratic booster shot.

Together we accused:

SHAME on our political system, reform by reform, established two sovereign regions that have vampirized Belgium.

SHAME on our 7 party negotiators who lack the resources to get out of the hole they have dug.

SHAME nationalists who have lost the pleasure of living together

SHAME communalism language that prevents this country is managed properly.

course, the claim "a government now - nu een regering" can not be taken literally. This is not to any government that would reflect what the roses, but the paralysis is unacceptable.

nationalists, separatists and other pessimists argue that Belgium is dead. That the Belgian nation have been replaced by a de facto nation Flemish and French-speaking nation. But most of the Flemings to take Belgium. Even 42% of the VER. As for an independence movement in French, he does not exist. But there is indeed a Belgian nation. It was enough to be here in this human tide of people throughout the darkened streets of the Act between the ring and the fiftieth anniversary. The show was great.

Belgium heal, stronger and more vigorous than ever. Provided that the citizens realize the obvious: the major parties community, of whatever kind, Belgium and poison are dying slowly. They are stuck in the cobweb French Dutch cons they have woven themselves and can not backtrack. Yet the solution is obvious: if we want this country survives, it must be thoroughly renovate and get rid of the EU system. Pro Bruxsel showed loud and clear at the event.

made of 4 1 COUNTRY REGIONS equivalent, who all live in a community, the community of the Belgians, regardless of the language they speak.

As usual, the media has largely skipped our message, but no matter: Tens of thousands have seen a lot and we have welcomed to our constructive solution. Why

major parties and their media do not they want such a solution? Without doubt continue to divide and conquer - presumably to continue to operate Brussels (27 billion of wealth created in Brussels are recorded in Flanders and Wallonia) - presumably to put Brussels under the tutelage of Flanders and Wallonia, and thus make their colony.

To hear the tenors of the major parties, they are the ras-le-bol, but envisage anything to break the deadlock. They take note and continue to look like china dogs in appalling inaction.

One day perhaps, will we have such a walk where it will be the Brussels who want their voices heard in order to escape the fate that they concocted without asking their opinion.

One day perhaps, "Brussels, whatever their political stripe, they finally understand that no party can communitarised garantir leur avenir. Car est toujours le communitarinism conflicting. PRO BruXsel resolument reste donc le parti de l'avenir de tous les Bruxellois.

Examples Of Community And Service

SHAME: a message

SHAME was the name of the march that Sunday more than 35,000 men in Brussels leg brought, including a fair number Bruxselaars Pro, for a democratic 'pikuur "to the policy administration.

Together, we regret to hear

Shame for a political system that, from one to the other reform, two practically sovereign provinces have created together
Belgium do bleed to death;

Shame on the seven parties to negotiate and that just does not get out of the pit they have dug themselves;

Shame on the nationalists who see no salvation nor more happiness in living

Shame on the communitarianism - via taalaanhorigheid - that the country makes it impossible to properly controlled be.

course may require "a government now - maintenant un gouvernement", which immediately demanded was not granted. Such a government would have very short life toebeschoren. But the current total paralysis is certainly unacceptable.

The nationalists, separatists and other pessimists now claim that Belgium is dead and buried. Today, the Belgian state would in fact already been replaced by a Flemish and a French state. Has now shown that the vast majority of Flemish people of Belgium holds. Even 42 pc of the NVA supporters.

An independence movement along the French-speaking region does not exist. What does exist, the Belgian nation. For those still in doubt: that the parade Sunday, the long string of enthusiastic people who went to North Station via the Rue de la Loi to the Cinquantenaire thick put in the spotlight. A beautiful scene.

Belgium and stronger than ever recover from this painful impasse arise. Provided that the public understands that the major political (community) party, of any kind whatsoever, Belgium and ruining its survival Long-term risking. Those parties are caught up in the dead end of a two-fold thought - Dutch to French - a paved street that they themselves have no way but for which it was conceived. Backwards for those parties not an option. However, the solution at hand: if we want the land continues, completely renovated and rid of that useless linguistic division and strife. This was the message that Bruxsel Pro has fully Sounding during the demonstration.

COUNTRY 1, with 4 equivalent REGIONS together a community, especially the Belgian community, language is also used.

As usual, the media ignore our message, but tens of thousands have been able to read and many people have come to congratulate us for this new approach and constructive solution.

Why do the political parties and the media do not pay attention to that message? Well, the "divide and rule 'politics remain profitable in the short term and one can continue to exploit shamelessly Brussels (27 billion of wealth produced in Brussels, are taken into account in Flanders and Wallonia). And so it is good for them and useful to further under Brussels Flemish and Walloon guardianship continues.

If we tenors of the major parties believe they have the "trop is too much" message really understood. Nowhere, however, we hear that they urgently want to get out of the impasse. They "take note" of what took place but are diametrically opposed to each other without wanting to give up a millimeter of their ever-changing needs.

Perhaps there will one day where the people of Brussels who will come will argue against all that is being arranged for Brussels without being asked for her opinion.

Perhaps there will one day where the locals of whatever political persuasion they are, will understand that no party, on a Community footing is likely to ensure their future. Because the starting point for every communitarianism is always based on a conflict model.

Pro Bruxsel blijft vandaag, meer dan OOIT of van de Partij voor de Toekomst Brusselse Bevolking.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Brent Corrigan And Evrett

Anti-politique? Anti-Flamand? Non, citoyen, tout simplement ...

by Jose Fernandez

That is, the planned mobilization on 23 January at the initiative of SHAME movement has occurred. And sorrowful souls who imagined, as political scientist back in La Libre, "a movement born on the canvas often just become reality ..." are to rank ... 30, 34, 38, 50,000? Whatever, this is a success in terms of mobilization and organization, with no major incidents were reported. For nearly

two weeks we have read the "paper" denouncing what many called a "mindless movement" (copyright Euroblog, specialist self-proclaimed our country for our neighbors hexagonal). In bulk, their considerations mainly revolved around the theme slogan of the absence of clear and anti-political movement that assumed primary "claim an immediate government is distressing, what matters is the project ... "," this movement is anti-political and therefore dangerous, because Poujadist ...", "our politicians have been working for months to find a solution," "this event will bring together not only nostalgic Francophone Belgium Papa" etc. ...

Thus, flourished here and there in the newspapers and on the canvas "10 reasons not to go to this event" ...

All these analysts are wrong, and heavily. Because the movement comes from the action, and not vice versa. A little less analysis, and a little more neck ....., it would be good from time to time.
First, as the figures show (cf. survey Le Soir / Dedicated), although there was "a bit of everything" at this event: Francophone Walloons and Brussels (44%!), The Dutch- Flanders (25%). There were also many young students and families with children and retirees. And yes, yes, some "some Belgian" in the heap.

Bart De Wever, who was quick to remind that the only expression of the people is one that emerges from the polls (only in Flemish that concerns you ... do not forget Bart), and that an event that gathers 80% Francophone (sic) and 20% of Flemish (re-sic) shows how urgent it is to reform the country, has once again shown how much he despises Brussels and its inhabitants. Because 44% of "Brussels" Bart, it's not "44% of Francophones. I was at this event, and the least we can say is that there were quite a lot of Dutch-speaking Flemings in Flanders or Brussels Brussels (and yes, they are Dutch and Brussels).

short, this event was fairly representative of those who have not provided that the fate of the brave: "Brussels. A little flat and regret all the same: few young or less young people coming, like me, immigration, were present. If you read me, do not forget, this country, this city, are also yours!

Brussels, the center of all the issues (and the failure of the last note Vande Lanotte). Brussels that nobody comes to ask his opinion. In the current negotiations (or future), the fate of Brussels is / will be negotiated by Di Rupo (Mons), Reynders (Liege), Javaux (Amay) and Milquet (Mrs. Wallon Corridor Rhode-St-Genèse). In other words, these are ready for any concessions to jettison the Brussels region and maintain their pre-Walloon square, from which they draw their electoral success ...

Then those who believed that this approach "anti-everything" was dangerous, if not populist, have seen the messages, although admittedly somewhat idealistic and romantic organizers, had no smell instead of "all rotten" . To be more precise and resume Philippe Geluck (but what he could well do this one here ... It is almost an album that comes out of the Cat?), The event was very contrary to Policy (note the capital P), in the sense that it gives citizens a certain word and the right to say "leaders of this country, now need to recover from any emergency at work and out of this situation. "

Finally, yes, the "message" might seem diffuse, certainly. But beyond the blurring of genres (such as some protesters wore unfortunately slogans anti-Flemish and therefore do not understand anything at all), this spontaneous, self-generated, the result of the generation of a web some form of globalization making citizens' voices, clearly shows that now, what happens in newsrooms and offices of political parties is no longer enough to fool the average citizen. Participatory society is born ... For those who minimize the scope of 40 or 50,000 people in the street dangerously underestimate all those who spoke and were not present: Facebook, forums, Twitter, ... The real significance of this movement affects probably 200 or 300,000 people ... The day this people will find a way to translate his feelings at the polls, this movement will weigh all his weight ...

This leads me to conclude by addressing what certainly missed this event: and now what can you do? Solutions, where you see them? Yves Leterme, speaking to young organizers today (The A - JT) remarked that it was their damn complicated reform of the state, but so necessary for all citizens. And one thing was to say "naked, stop" and the other to answer the question "what solutions do you propose?". A crisis is possible if the sterile confrontation between communities is finally leaving room for responsible cooperation between regions. If the deed and regional phenomenon is known for all regions, including the Brussels region, and regional entities empowered financially empowered and real, in a federal Belgium which we have already identified those areas that want to do together: finance, justice, safety, defense and security ...

The last article of Alain Maskens , sharp analysis and perfectly relevant to current blockages, leading the way, already advocated since 2009 by Pro Bruxsel. The solution exists, it will take courage and political will to implement it. For Brussels, certainly, but also for the future of this country that some would like to dismember sans vergogne. "One country, four regions / Un pays, quatre régions.

How Do Fireplace Heat Exchangeras Work

Of little people and big fish ....

by Thierry Vanhecke

It is shameful how politicians respond to this demonstration.

The political class does not clearly understand what is going on and that's very bad for our country.
are small politicians who gain power by groups against each other to set up.
are great politicians who are able to unite peoples (Mandela, Gandhi ,...)

If you're in a marriage notice that a lot of money to spend then you should resolve internally and not immediately think of separation because that always seems to cost more money.

The merit of Van De Lanotte that he calculated the cost of Flanders.

What we ask is:
- more reasonable
- reconciliation instead of "apartheid"
- no big egos
- more sympathy and warmth

This protest radiated that out, but "they" have apparently not understood.

Bart drink wine rather than water.
I have a message for him:
If you are satisfied with water, you're lucky if you get wine.
If you desire wine and you get water, you are unhappy.
Bart is doomed to be unhappy .... His oily fish will never
vet genoeg zijn. Zijn
ingeworteld wantrouwen zal een een blijvende splijtzwam Vormen ...

Ftse Market Cap Listing

SHAME: j'y etais.

by Marie Gennotte

This event was a success story in human terms.

I had forgotten how the Belgians are friendly, creative, peaceful, whatever language they speak.
Thousands of people were marching all together to express their ras-le-bol before a political deadlock which they see no end.

There may be no sequel to this event, just as there is no end in deadlock.
For precisely the Community approach seems to be coming to end the impasse. None of the politicians who have been elected can not defend the interests of the community in a community that has completely radicalized. After living

yesterday's demonstration, I think the Belgians really deserve another policy. So why not
4 real integral regions in the country and end the community whose skills would go to the regions?
And why not a national constituency to remain federal matters?
At the point where we are.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Long Dressis For 13 Year Olds

Un pays, quatre Regions Solidaires

by Alain Maskens

The francophone parties really do not understand.

The facts cry out: the organization of the Belgian political system based primarily on a community language, the operation is still blocking most of the state. Since the elections of June 2007: 1325 days without a federal project.

On 23 January, the cry of the street was equally deafening antagonism Community and endless blockades must cease.

KVS At January 21, artists have also sung, screamed, danced, written in Flemish and French: Cultural feeds interbreeding and solidarity grows a culture.

Yet during that time ... MR, PS, Ecolo and HRC announce a major new powwow purely French: "The French will think again about their common space." To this end, they will install on January 25 a "commission Wallonia Brussels, attended by four members of each of these four parties. Unlike the commission created in 2007 for the same purpose, no member of civil society was invited to be a member.

But: if a project Wallonia Brussels "What about 50% of Brussels whose mother tongue is not French? What about the Germanophones? The working group could be included, for example, two Dutch parliamentarians in Brussels and a member of the speaking Community?

case to appease the linguistic nationalism of a part of Flanders, so why play the same set of linguistic decline?

case to avoid co-management from Brussels through Flanders, why not waive the co-management of the French Community in Brussels ...?

case to create a project innovative, why exclude civil society, only able to offer a different perspective?

In fact, and this episode illustrates once again the major political actors, both French and Dutch, were shut up é s in a dual-monocommunautaire crippling. They seem unaware that in real life, the family, work, culture, language homogeneity is increasingly the exception. They will therefore never the ability to innovate, to imagine institutions outside the system which is now deadlocked over urgent than ever.

Certainly they are the elect of the nation - but at no time voters had a choice between a Belgium-based antagonisms language or a Belgium-based Regions together. This crucial question: is there a Belgian project based on two competing Communities or Regions who each take their diversity, this issue was not addressed in the last election debates. Normal: they have directed that the parties in power, all communitarized in a separate electoral system in two too. Similarly, this issue is absent from the major debates and editorials Sunday.

This debate would it be taboo?

Only parties young people born in the abundance of cultural diversity, can offer a radically different approach, adapted for Europe of the 21st century.

is the rationale for Pro Bruxsel institutional project and its "one country, four regions in solidarity" ( = view & id = 35 & Itemid = 73 ).

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Playmobile Castle Building Instructions


When we approached the Lean to put into practice on our development projects, we will discuss in the following areas:
This approach, very focused on the process, led us to resume tools from Lean that were effective in others and to implement them at home: value stream mapping , kanban, just in time , autonomation , jidoka , andon , etc. ...
This has been grafted onto our already long practice of agile software development , centered on the -eXtreme Programming (first!) And Scrum (for shape ) . Naturally, the meeting ground of these two approaches was the Lean Software Development.
We are proud to have achieved very good results on large projects in areas in principle not very receptive to these practices and have been welcomed by our customers for keeping the milestones, the quality of our products and transparency.
Yet we still hang out longstanding problems (in terms of years!) we slow down, reduce our performance and attack our morale.
How is this possible when we practice Agile software development and Lean which has slowly evolved to adapt to our field? Are we really on track?
foreign aid and research helped us realize that we practiced a Lean school. This practical approach is to enrich our after-eXtreme Programming and Scrum with Lean tools that have proven without assimilating the heart of Lean .
Since we are trying the Lean approach as follows:
  • visualize the output to reveal problems ,
  • respond immediately, then
  • solve the problems one by one
  • to improve practices.
Our previous initiatives have already led to "visualize the production to reveal the problems and respond immediately." We continue to refine this practice. By cons, we are now trying to seriously tackle the pan of Lean we neglected, ie solve problems one by one to improve practices .
Warning, this is not the retrospective iteration or the collection of obstacles by the ScrumMaster at daily meetings with the aim of smoothing the road in front of the team!
This is a discipline every day for everyone at all levels , which is to always have a problem to solve. This problem must be analyzed, dissected and understood to be resolved eventually if the return on investment warrants.
For tough problems, the approach is structured . For example, for us it is to follow the following steps:
  • describe the problem as we perceive;
  • identify and quantify the impacts the problem for our customer and our organization
  • describe how things should proceed, and describe how they actually occur. Describe the gap between the two.
  • identify the root causes of the problem and weigh their impact on the problem;
  • for each root cause, identify solutions candidates who would eliminate ;
  • classify the candidate solutions based on their cost of implementation and their impact on solving the problem;
  • implement solutions by return on Investment descending until the payback is worth no more pain;
  • if they were effective, standardize the implementation of new practices;
  • connect lessons.

This individual discipline and team helps us now to solve (among others) a problem that we drag the past year. For the first time in years, we see a real improvement of this phenomenon and for a very low investment. This opens up good prospects for improvement!
The most motivating in my opinion is that this discipline is an expert school. Indeed, since it requires going through a deep and comprehensive understanding problems it pushes players to develop their approach to expertise. Even if the resolution of the problem is not triggered by lack of ROI, the players will not make the same mistake next time. Since all are involved in this discipline, all are encouraged to develop their skills.
Finally, it is no more than apply a "good process makes a good product" but rather "to apply an approach that develops experts who will develop a good process that makes a good product " (you still following me?) . The primary effect sought is the involvement and the skills development . The side effect is improved practices .
With this new perspective, we try to move from an approach of improving discontinuous made personal initiatives based on intuition to a collective process of continuous improvement rigorous and disciplined.
This discipline also clarifies the role of "leaders". For them, this is teaching approach to their team and "challenger" to their teammates that they analyze and solve problems. The "leader" is itself "challenge" by its leader / coach / manager / mentor, and so on ...
A future post will be dedicated to it leadership, as described by Scrum, by the extreme Programming, by Lean and as we practice it.
Thanks again for foreign aid!