Thursday, March 3, 2011

What To Subject Interview Thank You Email

Jacques Ghysbrecht: Pourquoi j'ai Adhere to Bruxsel Pro - 2 / 2

2. "Sense"

I come back to money. Brussels Belgian contribution to GDP up by 18.7%, with 9.8% of the population. Flanders is 58%, with 58% of the population. Wallonia is 23.3%, with 32.4% of the population. Under the current system, the resources we have are well below what we should have. To begin to understand why, one can refer in particular to an article published in Le Vif / L'Express, entitled "all the keys to understanding the Financing Act," posted on the Internet August 27, 2010.

They want us to refinance, it's true but for ridiculous amounts and on terms unacceptable. It requires on our part, commitments! We control! Like we did for charity! As if we did not know ourselves what we do! That we get back what is ours. Then we can speak of solidarity within Belgium.

When I read all that, I have the hair bristling. These parties, who discuss them, these politicians who, without stopping, they are professionals, are observed, are placed, and haggle preparing their careers or end their career, I wish they would disappear, Brussels master finds his fortune, inside whether a federal government more or less, that lets us make our own mistakes and put into practice our good ideas with the institutions that we have selected.

is obviously impossible. It would be happy but very surprised that Pro is Bruxsel majority in his town, is in a position to implement its program, makes good sense and generosity.

But see the greens. They like us a one-dimensional program, innovative originally. Their success has meant that all other parties to defend themselves, were appropriate, some more than others, their ideas and ultimately many decisions were taken by others in the sense of what they wanted. That is what should happen. All parties were speaking to their program more autonomy to Brussels. None is openly in favor of the guardianship. But Brussels is a point on their agenda. Something about how we can make concessions, compromises, cons of money, money. They should know that, under penalty of losing votes that go to our "little party" they have an interest in regard to our city, walking on eggshells.

But why, you first success, voices. It takes the world in the meetings we organize, we must we talk about us in newspapers. "Brussels must know that people have the governments they deserve .. Our agenda is clear. I do not think we should touch it. These are practical projects that we need, and good will, skills, work needed to implement them.


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