Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nerf Cupcakes Decorated

Teachers call for merger Brussels educational networks

reaction to the article: # comment-form

by Benjamin Vella

A nice article for Groen!, which has dipped as Eco, they, them first, interest soon resume program points Pro Bruxsel not to lose too many votes . Or, you can not blame them for clinging to their livelihood.

At least them, they are major (ie Boards of Directors), so we can interview them often. This is normal. What is the highlight a little party snack candy, which - it is very annoying - to almost always right .. euuuuh ... ik bedoel ... good ideas ... finally ... euuuh ... interesting ideas, whatever. Ah yes, I almost forgot the question mark. ?. There.

This article, anyway, the obvious merit of setting the table a proposal very interesting and - increasingly - and dear to my heart (and that's saying something): the organization of Brussels regional education that does not depend any more of the French Community, noch van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap. In other words: Brussels manage their own future, understanding that the Walloons and Flemings were not able to deal with it properly (I do not blame them!).

And because Brussels has its own specificities, we can not deny it (it has long sought but (Un) fortunately impossible)! Specificity of the immigration rate, specificity of the labor market (which trades available Bxsl?), And horrifying figures: 20% unemployment, 30% youth, more than 50% in some neighborhoods. A disaster without a name for the capital of Europe!

Incidentally, MR, that always comes up with these (her?) security issues, knows that a regionalized education, refinanced and adapted to allow long-term deal with a lot of the problem BX (to speak lunch), but when doing the cuddling (FDF objective ally of the N-VA, it must be remembered), it is not clear of distorting skills ...

So, yes: it is time. High time that Brussels can get this skill and develop an education that truly takes into account the needs of Brussels. Provide training tailored to the needs of young Brussels (by ax consistent notamment sur l'apprentissage des langues) est sans doute l'enjeu pour l'avenir de notre Major Region.

Allons-nous encore longtemps jouer le jeu des partis (communauraires) en place à l'menant asphyxia de la capitale de l'Europe? Perso, j'etouffe déjà.

you soon in the street! ... I hope.


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