Monday, January 31, 2011

Listen To Full Length Songs For Free

dangereuse Siamois ...

par Jose Fernandez

Bart de Wever est un grand poète. Il aime se engaging in a passion, that of small press citations, here or elsewhere. In Latin, preferably ... Or in English as well, "less is more", for example. Or in German: Belgien, Europa Kranker Mann "... And he loves the pictures too strong: and in his latest exclusive interview with La Libre of 29/01/11, he gives his view of the current situation, a vision that I describe as of anatomical ...

Good news, Bart De Wever is not to split the country! No, no, he says, "it will not work." For "Flanders and Wallonia are like Siamese twins, and their relationship is Brussels.
.. Pardon?? But Bart, what do you do ... Do I remind you here that the statutes specify them in your party 1.1 (1) ? I know that strength to rewrite history and manipulate the media and your Flemish electorate, 3 / 4 of your voters are convinced that voting for the VER is a vote for a the neo-liberal course with a hint of regionalism, but light ... Recently, while talking with one of your constituents, I realized this, Bart, they do not know ... very few have read the articles The NVA and most even believe that this separatist obsession would be a scarecrow erected by the French ... Siamese
therefore, united by a slender cord of flesh Brussels. You know, the Siamese have difficulties to live long, when they share common organs, and very often, one must solve a tricky separation. Scalpel, as it should. Was cut and the bond between Siamese to restore their operational autonomy and enable them to live.
What is the "link" in this story is of course less glorious ... Simple piece of flesh torn, he finished sanguignolant in the trash.
So that you see Brussels, Bart ... A simple link, annoying, embarrassing, disabling to allow this "autonomy" that you promised your constituents.
Metaphor "Siamese" is bad because it only polarize the conflict resolution on two Belgian institutional entities, a Flemish liberal-nationalist, the other French-speaking Socialist.
It is wrong because it implies correctly that cutting the "link" in Brussels, we get the final two distinct, independent and autonomous.
I suggest another metaphor, that of a single body, Belgium, including the brain, stomach, lungs and heart would work closely together to enable the body to develop harmoniously. I'm good Prince, Bart, you can choose the body of your choice to symbolize Flanders. But I must confess that I have a preference for the lungs to Brussels. Body ultimate exchange with the outside, as Brussels is with the world around us. Vital organ for life, the air can be stored and breathing is a function that, constantly renewing itself, provides the body the fuel it needs to live, as Brussels gives its inhabitants and the country 's daily energy due to the thousands of jobs and businesses that have chosen this city-region. Body split, the right lung and left, as the Flemish and French double culture that shaped the identity of this region for centuries. The lungs do not have to worry about how the heart works, or brain. Let's say that somehow, the human body is already causing, regionalized. Cons but, if these bodies do not function well together, the body dies. Never mind that wants to keep his heart beating or the brain to think, or the stomach to digest.
This metaphor suits me much better, because for me the future of Belgium through a country (the Belgian body ") 4 et ses régions ("les organes de ce corps")
bye, ça tombe bien, moi aussi j'aime bien les locutions latines ... :

(1) The New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) is a political party in Flanders intends to form a humanitarian nationalism for the 21 st century. As the only non-aligned party, regardless of pressure groups, columns or financial powers, defends the New Flemish Alliance, the Flemish public interest. In its efforts to improve governance and democracy chooses the New Flemish Alliance for logically independent republic of Flanders , State of a democratic European Union. Flanders in the N-VA is open to international cooperation and look for this in the first place to the Netherlands.
The purpose of the New Flemish Alliance, the defense and promotion of political, cultural, social and economic interests of all Flemings. These purposes by all appropriate means reached to the publishing and distribution of pressure washers, magazines, newspapers, organizing seminars, conferences, meetings, film screenings and meetings of all kinds, the group of individual supporters, the buying or renting of all movable and immovable goederen, het tot doel dienstig.


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