Monday, June 9, 2008

Surgeon Xmas Iphone Help

A new job begins! A little overwhelmed

Hello everyone!

We are still overwhelmed, but the house still ahead. These past weeks have been devoted to electricity and this is it is finally finished. A scare in the first test because we blew the leads of the neighbors (Gary and Sonia, who are always our suppliers officials a big thank you again), some questions ... and a remote control switch was discovered improperly connected. Time for Joel to remake this connection and tighten a lug to the electrical panel and there was light!

You're not dreaming, there is good 4 fuses ON

The Fine Neon!

Even outside work!

Thanks Joel!

same time, we finished pass all the electricity of the ground floor and first floor with Christian (only ducts passing through the straw for now in order to attack the coatings). For those interested, we set the boxes in the straw by screwing a wooden block that we slipped under the ropes boots. It is nickel!

The string tension of the boot is enough to keep the box package ...

... until the 6 cm of earth plaster

The jacket goes under the strings of boots and is slightly down in the straw

Alex has made good progress on its clay-sand mixtures and we have been attacked yesterday to see how it looks on the wall of the cellar. First with a very thin base coat (pure clay + water) and directly after the base coat (clay, sand crumbled straw-water). Walk in the books and it's beautiful!

The base coat (or bonding layer) clay and water in a thin layer

The same thing up close and ...

... without further delay the body plaster cast in hand ...

... then smoothed with the same instruments (our hands to those who do not)

These are new and we are organizing the first weekend of June 21 earth, for the fans loved ones near and far unknown want to try or just watch!



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